The Indian public education system was never equipped to deal with a pandemic induced extended lockdown. Even during regular times, teachers, administrators, and parents have struggled to keep learning alive; these efforts may not be enough during the new normal. The most troubling factor in the context is the unrelenting disparities in learning opportunities and achievements across income levels, between affluent students and poor students.
The existing scenario could have a life long impact on the education of poor students. Most poor students are offline, in urban and rural landscapes. If we do not invest in bridging the divide, it would mean an opportunity lost for an entire generation. Poor students have only two choices: either log in or drop out.
Aahwahan Foundation vision is to connect one person in each family to digital education. Despite the apparent challenges, we NGO For Education are striving to spread digital learning at the grassroots; through programs that could change the course for an individual or an entire community.